Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dark Prophecies.

(Geanre Black/Death Metal)

It Hath No Name,It Hath no fame,
It is gods deathly game.
The Rich The poor all fucked up,
In attempt our souls sucked up.
Fuck the creator, Fuck the god,
Hell fuck everyone, his name is god.
His work is diplomatic, his nature is shit,
His policy is to kill everyone bit by bit.
In his name religious quarrell and die,
Generations Come, Generations Go by.
But his fuckall Prophecies never cease,
Oh Satan come and help us please.
We thank you for keeping him in check,
Else his Blasphemies would make us tremble and wreck.
Reserruct the demons to destroy his endevour,
Else we will lie her and rot forever.

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