Friday, October 8, 2010



The Journey is almost over,
Unfinished Businesses need to be done,
Confessions, redemptions, pleas, all under the bright sun..

We may never meet tomorrow,
The memories will always last.
Pains and tribulations of times gone by will feel like lullabies of the past.

You may never remember times when I hurt you,
Probably the memories will have faded away,
In my journeys through the mindstreets of life, the regrets will hurt me on the way..

Romances of the past were never meant to be,
Innocent feelings of passion, love, lust, broken heart,
Will make me Love you all the more baby…

You will disperse, rise and find your niche in society,
In this world of magnets and miracles,
Hope our paths cross by destiny.

------------This poem is dedicated to all my college pals who made me who I am now..

Mama's monsters..

Mama's monsters..

You were scared of the Monsters that never were,
You sought help of the Angels whom you never knew.
Built Castles on Clouds which never flew..

Mama you kept the Monsters away, Why did you do so?
Will you be there when your'e gone, mama..
Wherever I may go??

They werent Monsters Mama, They weren't monsters you know !!
They were Angels in Disguise Mama..
The Real teachers of life you know..

You wouldn't want to see your baby mama, timid, nervous, frail n weak..
You would want to see your baby fly like a eagle mama,
Soaring high in the Skies, conquering challenges that he may meet..

Dont worry Mama, Dont worry now you see..
Ill hunt for and Slay my monsters mama,
wherever hidden on my Journey they may be..

--- Dedicated to my mom..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mighty Hand divine.

The Hand that creates, the hand that destroys.
The Mighty Hand divine.
The hand that made the gun and blade,
The sinner hand of mine.
Yhe hand trhat killed a million sould,
Yhe hand that healed a few.
The hand that took a million lived,
But never learnt to give.
The Rise aof civilizations and their fall,
he meeting of the two ends.
The fall of blades upon the necks,
Who rebelled and condemned.
This is my world,
With no place for you.
To keep it that way Ill do anything,
Or sacrifice a hundred few.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Theres thunder in the mountains,
Theres Fire in the trees.
Theres smoke in the prison,
Take me outta here please.

Red embers on the walls,
Flames knocking on the doors,
The cells are red hot and clear.
The guards have fledaway,
No way for me this day,
Someone release me from my layer .

The Air is hot,
In the Devils pot,
Recount my life so clear.
The hope for life,
The spirit in me,
All seem to disappear.
My journey is over,
My accounts are clear.

This is the day,
On me were lay,
The devils cold hands of death.
The faith turned to fate,
for whose hands were met,
with the blood of hundred deaths.

Same place, same hell,
No one will get me over there.
From the boredom of heaven,
To the terrors of hell,
I know what I will prefer.

The wall falls down,
The roadoutta town,
Lies clearly in front of me.
I gather my strength,
For a new lease of life,
Which I know awaits me.
I run for my life,
My tryst with fate.
My rub with death,
Still haunts me.

Fading Rebellion/ Fading Embers.

Where is the rebellion? Where is the day?
Where is the road that you planned to pave?
You have one life, Never will return this day.
When will your life be led your way?

The fire seems to have gone, Have the embers too?
Or is it still inside there, deep inside you?
You are young, This is your dawn,
Wheres your enthusiasm? Where has it gone?

To lead your life in dismay, Were you born this way?
To compromise on your ambitions, is that your way?
You havent reached there, It hasent been done by you,
Youll spend your life for others, but no one for your rescue.

You are hiding like a mole in a rats hole,
When is the time youll dig one for you?
In someone elses dreams, Someones faith,
Your uniqueness isnt a virtue.

Your spirit screams for help, But noone seems to hear.
The cry is for you by your spirit, cos its end is near.
Having heard it, Do you go for its rescue?
Or just look at the sky and wonder why its blue.

Phantom Dogs.

Here they go the phantom dogs,
Racing on the street.
If they catch their prey,
Its all dead meat.

They run like fire,
They chase like hell.
Who may be their next,
No one can tell.

Like hungry spirits from hell,
On earth unleashed.
They devour their victim,
And have a brutal feast.

No good, No bad,
No wrong, No right.
Their only law is,
Might is right.

Upon the night,
Their terror unleashed.
In the bodies of their victims,
Their spirits get bleached.

In the dark, In any corner,
You would never know.
You may get mauled,
By this blasphemous foe.


Insecurities making us sick,
Insecurities making us weak.
Prototype Clones running the world go by,
In their footsteps generations come and die.
Generations being molded into clone shit,
In every aspect creativity gets a hit.
What you want to do, what you desire,
Nothing matters before the clone desire.
All sciences, mankind developing happy you think,
Peace on earth highly on the brink.
Sucking the earths resources to the last,
Disguised powers running on th world avast.
Terror on Earth disguised as peace,
Souls being sucked up inname of bliss.
Theres no heaven, Theres no hell,
Yet the knell rings wild like hell.
Hells here on earth, Humanity you preach,
What about Earths trust that you betray and breach.
In the shadows you know how it feels like,
To go and follow something thats not at all right.